Monday, December 30, 2019

Youll be hired by a stranger

Youll be hired by a strangerYoull be hired by a strangerWhile youre reviewing the tens of thousands of job openings on Ladders this week, here are three ways you might be sabotaging your own job search.1. Can a stranger read your resume?Print out your resume. Rip off the top third of it. Hand it to somebody you dont know.Without asking you any additional questions, can they read the top third of your resume and determine what you want to do next?For too many professionals like you, the answer is no.When we try to tell readers of our resumes everything about us, we wind up telling them nothing special about us. Too much unfocused information, and you lose their attention.What does the reader of your resume want to know?Does this gal, or guy, want this job that I have open? And have they done it before?Obviously, given that youve spent the time to create a resume and send it to them, they know you want a job. But do you want this particular job?Is it something that youve done before? I f so, did you like it? If so, do you want to do it again?I know it seems obvious to you that you want the type of job that youre looking for.But strangers dont know that. And, chances are, youll be hired by a stranger.So its important that you make it easy for strangers to know what you want.Show them, at the very top of your resume, what job you want, and why youre qualified for it, and why you want to do it again. Youre not going to list every skill and experience you have, but rather youre giving the reader a sense of what you can do.If they cant tell, by reading the top-third of your resume, what you want to do next, then youll never get to the next step.2. Did you talk to a live person today?The internet delivers you news, information, funny cat videos, electronic books, fashionable shopping, and, via Ladders, the latest and greatest job listings at the $100K+ level.So hooray for the internet.But heres the truth - the internet is not going to hire you.No, youll be hired by a l iving, breathing, thinking, smiling person.So the question is did you talk to that person today? Did you try to?Its important, while youre searching, looking and applying to all those great jobs that you find here, that you also realize that you need to make a priority of talking to people.And by that I mean a live menschengerecht voice, in person or on the phone. Email and text and Snapchat dont count.Have you called your old contacts? Returned the call from the company that perhaps youre only mildly interested in? Have you taken a former colleague to lunch? Did you call back the recruiters youve met over the past six months? Drop by a conference?Connecting with people, live, in person or on the phone, is essential to getting hired. Too often, we fool ourselves into believing that self-directed activity is the best way to get hired. Its not. Connecting with others is.If youre more of an introvert, or more comfortable communicating by writing than by speaking, you can mucksmuschenst ill connect with others. Im not going to mislead you and say that its better, but its still sufficient if you write thoughtful, sensible blog posts, comments, emails and contributions on industry-related topics and threads. But its important that youre connecting with others, not just yourself.When it comes to getting hired, you need to ensure that every day is a talk to a person who could potentially hire me day.Because eventually one of them will.3. E-mail addressWhat elektronischer brief address do you use professionally?If youre using AOL, or your local cable provider, you could be inadvertently shooting yourself in the foot.Only 3% of new users at Ladders sign up with AOL email addresses these days. And just 4% use If youre still using AOL or Hotmail to represent yourself professionally, it could be sending a signal that youre uncomfortable with new technology and that you havent prioritized keeping your skills up-to-date.Using your local cable providers default e- mail - whether its,, or - increases the chances of a typo leading to a missed connection. Because people dont pay as much attention to what theyre typing after the sign, using less-familiar domains in your e-mail should be avoided.Just over 55% of new users at TheLadders use Because gmail is well-known for its utility, ease-of-use, and power, using gmail as your address is a smart move that also sends the message that youre up-to-date with the times.Whats before the sign is important too.Common household or joint email strategies such as jimandnancy, smithhousehold, or bluthfamily are not good e-mail addresses to use for your professional life. Professionals are accustomed to writing directly to other professionals. Requesting that they e-mail your spouse kids when contacting you is awkward.The best email address is your first name, followed by a dot, followed by your last name, at gmail.comsheldon.coopergmail.comIf thats t aken, then for the purposes of your job search, add next years number to your addresssheldon.cooper.2018gmail.comYoure probably going to be using this e-mail address into the New Year anyway and starting now makes you seem ahead of the times. And everybody wants to hire somebody from the future, right?So those are the three things you might be doing to manipulierung your own efforts in the job search, Readers. Avoid them and prosper.Im rooting for youP.S. The fourth thing youre doing to sabotage yourself? Seasoned. If youre using the word seasoned to describe yourself dont.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

This is the most painless way to tell employees bad news

This is the most painless way to tell employees schwimmbad nachrichtenThis is the most painless way to tell employees bad newsBeing the bearer of bad news in the office is always an unpleasant task, but there are some methods that are more unpleasant than others. A new survey of preferred methods of giving and getting bad news found that most of us prefer directness and candor over the cushion of small talk when discussing the breakdown of social relationships - like a breakup with your romantic partner or your employer. We just want to know where the fire is so we can get out.In a survey of 145 participants, Brigham Young University linguistics professor Alan Manning and the University of South Alabamas Nicole Amare got participants to rate how they would want to receive different bad news scenarios. The majority of participants valued clarity and directness over being eased into the information.If youre on the giving end, yeah, absolutely, its probably more comfortable psychologic ally to pad it out - which explains why traditional advice is the way it is, Manning said. But this survey is framed in terms of you imagining youre getting bad news and which version you find least objectionable. People on the receiving end would much rather get it this way.The survey showed how we dont want to hear bad news. Heres how to deliver it to your co-workers with grace and compassion for them1) No small talkGood managers who make small talk before delivering bad news are usually considerate, compassionate people who think that talking about an employees family or weekend plans is a polite way to lift an employees spirits before delivering the crushing blow.But the most compassionate move is to be direct about the bad news. Of course, you dont want to just blurt out, Youre fired for all to hear, but the researchers suggested that the buffer can be as small as telling the employee we need to talk. Thats enough to signal the severity of the situation. Once you get the emplo yee in a one-on-one drumherum away from prying eyes, rip the BandAid off quickly and explain why youve called for this meeting.2) No corporate jargonNervous managers often use corporate speak or legalese to hide behind the weight of their actions when saying terrible news, thinking that it will lessen the pain - or, at least, ease their personal pain at having to do this. Im not telling you bad news, the companys jargon is telling you bad news. Its a passive way to distance yourself from a crisis. I once had a manager who announced a series of layoffs at my company as employees being impacted, a euphemism that created confusion and chaos in an already emotional period at work.Deliver the unfortunate news clearly without metaphor, so that employees can process the bad information more quickly instead of wasting time deciphering jargon from meaning.3) Let the recipient of bad news express emotionAcknowledge the emotion in the situation. After bad news like terminations, layoffs, or p ay cuts, grief, shock, and anger are to be expected. Have tissues on hand.Allow employees to vent their frustrations at the news, but dont get into a debate, because the information youre delivering is not a negotiation, its a fact.4) Time it wellOnce you learn of bad news youll need to deliver to an employee, its best to schedule a time as soon as possible with as much discretion as you can. As career coach Hallie Crawford notes about a speedy news delivery, Letting the person know as soon as possible is a way to show that you respect him or her, and again,show your professionalism.Unless the news is very urgent, career experts suggest timing it for end of day when fewer people will be in the office. The overarching goal with any advice on how to give bad news compassionately is to preserve the dignity of the recipient as much as possible. That means no babying them with overly polite small talk. It means treating them as a professional and telling them straight up whats wrong.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Italian Scientists Win Ig Nobel for Random Promotion Theory

Italian Scientists Win Ig Nobel for Random Promotion TheoryItalian Scientists Win Ig Nobel for Random Promotion TheoryLast year Career-Line introduced you to the Peter Principle and the three Italian scientists who bucked the system with their own take on the Peter Principle. University of Catania scientists Andrea Rapisarda, Cesare Garofaloa and Alessandro Pluchinos random promotion theory says that an organization that promotes employees at random, as opposed to by merit is more efficient, as reported by Business Standards Leslie DMonte in Funny Ideas Can Make You Think.The Random Promotion theory was awarded an Ig Nobel, which honors achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think and in the process spur peoples interest in science, medicine, and technology, says Italian news site Life in Italy.Would random promotions at your company make your work harder than you work now, less than you work now, or have no affect on your work habits? Answer in the comments b elow.

Monday, December 16, 2019

16 .NET Interview Questions to Ask

16 .NET Interview Questions to Ask16 .NET Interview Questions to AskYou need to recruit a .NET developer for your IT department - and fast. If youre lucky enough to receive applications for this hard-to-fill position, youll want to go into the interviews ready to make quick decisions. But if you dont have a strong background in this framework, how can you be certain your interview questions will help you identify the best candidate?To help, weve prepared a cheat sheet of 16 essential .NET developer interview questions with background and sample answers, as well as a few other tips to assist in making your search more successful. And when youre ready to make an offer, visit our salary center to learn the average starting pay for a .NET programmer in your area. You dont want to lowball in this competitive hiring market. Now, lets get started. First, a word about behauptung top .NET interview questionsIf youre interviewing a .NET developer, you should be somewhat familiar with programm ing. If youre not, then bring in someone from your team who is. These conversations will get very technical, very quickly.Also, keep in mind the following QAs are intended to serve as a guide, not a bible. As a hiring manager, you may need to tailor these questions for the responsibilities of your specific job opening. You should also allow some leeway on candidates answers to reflect their individual backgrounds and experience with ASP, code and various frameworks.1. What is OOP, and how does it relate to the .NET Framework?OOP stands for object-oriented programming. A good answer to this question would point out that OOP languages such as Visual Basic.NET, C and C++ are the core languages supported by .NET Framework. (There is also support for functional programming in the form of F.)As a technique, OOP allows .NET developers to create classes containing methods, properties, fields, events and other logical modules. It also lets developers create modular programs, which they can a ssemble as applications. OOPs have four basic features encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism and inheritance.2. What is encapsulation?Encapsulation is one of four basic features of OOP and refers to the inclusion within a program object of methods and data needed for the object to function. For .NET interview questions like this, candidates should mention that encapsulation helps keep data from unwanted access through binding code and data in an object, which is the basic, single self-contained unit of a system.Another way of understanding encapsulation is to think of it as hiding the state of an object as private or protected. Under this principle of information hiding, the internal workings of an object are segregated from the rest of the application. This is useful because it makes it less likely that other objects can modify the state or behavior of the object in question.3. Explain the concept of inheritance and how it works in .NET.In general OOP terms, inheritance means th at a class can be based on another class, with the child class taking on the attributes of the parent class. For example, coders can create a class called Vehicle, and then child classes called Truck, Car and Motorcycle - all of which inherit the attributes of Vehicle.To demonstrate their understanding of the interview question and the framework, candidates may bring up how .NET supports single inheritance only, which means that a class can inherit only from one other class. Their answer may also touch on the transitive nature of inheritance - for example, the Ford class inherits from Car, which inherits from Vehicle.4. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?An abstract class is always used as a base class. It provides some abstract/virtual members that the inheriting entities must implement, as well as a partial implementation for a functionality. For extra credit, job candidates might mention that this class can also declare fields. Developers cannot c reate an object from this class.An interface, on the other hand, can declare properties, methods and events only (no access modifiers). The developer must implement all declared members. In short, an interface designates a contract/behavior that implementing classes should have.HIRE A .NET DEVELOPER NOW5. What is the difference between a class and an object, and how do these terms relate to each other?A class is a comprehensive data type that is the primary building block, or template, of OOP. Class defines attributes and methods of objects, and contains an objects behavior and data. An object, however, represents an instance of class. As a basic unit of a system, objects have identity and behavior as well as attributes.Make sure candidates respond to the second part of this .NET interview question, addressing how these terms are related to each other. Answer The relationship is based on the fact that a class defines the states and properties that are common to a range of objects.6. What is a delegate in .NET?A delegate is a type that encapsulates a reference to a method. Delegate objects can then be passed to code which calls the method according to the method signature, meaning the developer doesnt have to know at compile time which method is being invoked. A delegate can contain references to a single method or multiple methods. Delegates are similar to function pointers in C/C++ and have the advantage of being type-safe.7. Explain the difference between a stack and a queue.This .NET interview question tests candidates basic knowledge of collections. Along with stacks and queues in this category are hash tables, bags, dictionaries and lists. A stack keeps track of what is executing and contains stored value types to be accessed and processed as LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), with elements inserted and deleted from the top end.A queue, on the other hand, lists items on a FIFO (First-In, First-Out) fundament in terms of both insertion and deletion, with items ins erted from the rear end and deleted from the front end of the queue.8. What is .NET web service?Web services are reusable components that allow developers to publish an applications function over the internet to make it accessible and directly interactable with other applications and objects online. Web services communicate by using standard web protocols and data formats - including HTTP, XML and SOAP - allowing them to connect across different platforms and programming languages. ASP.NET provides a simple way to develop web services. The .NET Framework provides built-in classes for building and consuming web services.9. When should you use .NET Web Forms over ASP.NET MVC?Traditionally, the .NET Framework has been based on Web Forms. This was essentially an effort to create web services using Microsofts existing Visual Studio Tools without forcing developers to learn new scripting languages. Web Forms still allows developers to create quick and simple applications, and some legac y systems may still run as Web Forms.ASP.NET MVC is increasingly the standard for contemporary developers, however. In a .NET interview, a strong candidate should be able to highlight the advantages of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. MVCs fruchtwein important feature is that it allows applications to be broken down into discrete models, views and controllers, making them much easier to test during development.10. What is JSON data, and what is one way that .NET developers can work with JSON?JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) provides developers with a way to organize and store data so its easy to access and read. JSON is important for developers because it allows them to manipulate JSON feeds from other sites and to load them more quickly and easily than via SML/RSS feeds. Json.NET provides a way for .NET developers to define classes that parse objects and arrays from JSON text. You can also use Json.NET if you need to serialize value types into JSON text. Json .NET runs on .NET2, .NET3 and .NET4.11. Explain the difference between managed and unmanaged code..NET interview questions like this allow candidates to demonstrate their understanding of Common Language Runtime (CLR), a crucial part of the .NET Framework. Code written in C or Visual Basic .NET will, when compiled, run only in the CLR, which provides functionalities such as garbage collection and memory management. The advantage of this is that managed code is platform-independent because it runs in the CLR rather than the operating system of the machine accessing the application.Code written in other languages, such as C or C++, produces unmanaged code, meaning developers cant rely on the CLR to provide this kind of portability. Managed and unmanaged code are interoperable. Examples of unmanaged code used in .NET include COM components, ActiveX interfaces and Win32 API functions.12. Define LINQ.LINQ stands for Language-Integrated Query. This is a Microsoft programming model and met hodology that offers developers a way to manipulate data using a succinct yet expressive syntax. It does so by instilling Microsoft .NET-based programming languages with the ability to make formal queries. It is part of C and can be imported as a library in other languages.13. Read-only variables and constants have many similarities, but what is at least one way that they differ?Here are two possible answers to .NET interview questions of this natureRead-only variables can support reference-type variables. Constants can hold only value-type variables.Developers evaluate read-only variables at the runtime. They evaluate constants at the compile time.14. What do the terms boxing and unboxing mean?This question can reveal how much candidates know about data types and OOP principles. The idea is relatively simple Boxing is a process that converts a value type to an object type - by boxing the variable inside a dedicated object or interface. Unboxing extracts this value and stores it in a value type. Boxing was essential in some old Collection types such as ArrayList, and can still be used for accurate conversion of types - for example, from a double to an int.15. What are three common acronyms used in .NET, and what do they stand for?This one should be easy for .NET developer candidates to answer. The question allows them some flexibility in choosing terms with which they are most familiar. Three frequently used acronyms in .NET are IL, CIL and CLIIL stands for Intermediate Language, which is an object-oriented programming language that is a partially compiled code that .NET developers will then compile to native machine code.CIL stands for Common Intermediate Language, formerly known as Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). This is another programming language that .NET developers use, and it represents the lowest possible level for a language that humans can still read.CLI stands for Common Language Infrastructure. This is a compiled code library that Micros oft developed as an open specification. Developers use CLI for security, versioning and deployment purposes.Other acronyms commonly used in .NET include JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, which uses the target machines CPU architecture to perform a .NET operation OOP (object-oriented programming), defined in Question 1 CLR (Common Language Runtime), defined in Question 11 and LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), defined in Question 12.16. Whats the difference between .NET and Laravel?This is one of the more straightforward .NET interview questions you can ask. Most web developers will at least be familiar with alternative frameworks such as Laravel and should be able to discuss some of the differences between those platforms and .NET. This conversation will allow you to dig down and discover where candidates interests lie and how they view the role of .NET developer. For example, they may focus onLanguages (e.g. C support in .NET versus Laravels support for PHP)SecurityProcessing overheads.N ETs integration with Visual StudioThird-party librariesOpen-source community supportFactors to consider along with .NET developer interview questionsAs well as specific technical questions, there are a few other areas of discussion to cover when evaluating .NET developer job candidates.NET project portfolio - Ask candidates to show you examples of their past work, whether thats a dynamic web page or some other kind of web application. If they dont have any examples of professional work, take a look at some personal projects theyve tackled.Software development methodologies - Its useful to know how candidates have interacted with team members on other projects. Most professional developers will have extensive experience with Agile environments, so you can talk about whether they find this approach supportive or if they find Scrums distracting. Some developers may have experience of newer working methodologies such as DevOps.Soft skills - Technical abilities arent the only feature of an outstanding employee, so dont forget to explore candidates soft skills and initiative. Communication and collaboration are essential for developers who are required to work with people in non-technical departments, while organization and time management are important for those who operate alone. Additionally, if developers will have access to sensitive data, make sure to assess them for ethics and trustworthiness. Tags

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Straight Talk About the Job Palm Restaurant

Straight Talk About the Job Palm RestaurantStraight Talk About the Job Palm RestaurantPalm Restaurant If theyd Asked Amanda about The Job, heres what Id sayCBS aired its pilot episode of a new reality-competition show called The Job . Hosted by Lisa Ling, the TV series featured candidates who compete in a variety of challenges for a mglichkeit to win a dream job at their dream company.A reality show about the interview process? Sign me up The career coach in me had to watch this The first episode featured five candidates Anthony, Maggie, Ryan, Jann and Alex vying for an assistant manager role at the legendary steakhouse, Palm Restaurant.While I dont think the show gives viewers a very accurate portrayal of the recruiting process seriously, how many job interviews involved you working at their office for a day to test your skills? I still think theres a lot you can learn. In this first episode, the theme that stuck out to me was cultural fit.Ive said it once and Ill say it again you can have all the skills in the world but if you dont fit in with the company, you wont land the job. This was well illustrated in belastung weeks episode.The Palm is known as a leader in fine dining and a longstanding family owned business that considers its employees part of the family. A quick look at their website allows diners to get a sense of what they should expect when they visit the Palm a topnotch formal dining experience.Spoiler alert Two of the five candidates Alex and Anthony were misfits right from the start. Alex had little to no formal dining experience and worked at a vegan restaurant. Its not surprising that this vegan didnt fare well while interviewing for a position at a steakhouse.And, although Anthony was a competent candidate, he was chastised when he showed up underdressed for the on-the-job portion of the interview. I also cant imagine owner Wally Ganzi approving of Anthonys facial hair. While Anthony was not offered the job with Palm Restaurant, he d id receive an offer from a restaurant with a laid-back atmosphere a much better cultural fitThe stimmungslage of the story? Seek opportunities where theres a cultural fit. If you make it to an interview and you know you lack a certain knowledgebase thats important for the job, do your homework.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Mystery of D&D Resume Nobody Is Talking About

The Mystery of D&D Resume Nobody Is Talking About The very first step in making a great resume is through writing an interesting and efficient cover letter. Youve only seconds to spell out the Earth, the story, and what makes it all so incredible. If youve got many pages of content, be certain to include a table of content, in addition to an executive summary. In the long andrang, its your choice to make a decision as to what type of format and look to use. Keep your focus on what you may offer to the present role that youre seeking. The recruiter may seek the services of a native speaker to rate your proficiency level as it corresponds with the requirements of the organization. Hard skills have a tendency to be more technical, and each geschftliches miteinander or kind of job will often have its personal essential tischset. In addition, it should bring out your understanding of that specific job. D & D Resume Ideas Other folks involve significant financial risk an d ought to be utilized with caution. Organizations sometimes shy away from being very definitive about the kind of person they want, commonly since they dont wish to be viewed as being biased somehow. Folks have a tendency to equate an overall discharge with an honorable one. Businesses are exploring opportunities in different regions as a way to capitalize on comparative cost benefits and economies of scale. If it isnt feasible to recast the sentence, then the hundertprozentig ought to be capitalized. Also, make certain to keep the language clear and easy. The very first word in a sentence needs to be capitalized. A word or phrase thats used with or rather than an individuals name is capitalized. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About D & D Resume Start-up funding is just one of the biggest challenges a new business should deal with. After the hiring manager says, I would like a human factors engineer. You are going to need a business program and be in a position to s how that youve got the experience to run the company and the company will make enough money to create the investors a great profit on their investment. Before putting your company funds to work on anything, you ought to make yourself an expert. The Hidden Secret of D & D Resume As an example, suppose youre a web hosting company and youve got an opt-in mailing list of internet developers. Template designs are for private use only and might not be resold or redistributed under any conditions. You will get a PDF instruction file with links to where you may download the them. In case youre wondering, the saved playlist file with the saved Bookmark is quite small in dimension. Be certain to highlight the skills youve learned in school. Always finish your Career Objective by stating ways to assist the clinic achieve its objectives. Talk directly about your volunteer experience as though it was a former job. The program also needs to be designed to improve their abilities. There are other methods to begin your resume, based on your degree of experience youll be able to take a look at our flow chart here. Simply altering the business or sub-industry selection will create a new set of results. Your cover letter needs to be perfect and it should highlight all of your potential and working experience associated with the job which you are applying for. As a consequence, you might see that youll be saving yourself a good deal of time by positioning your resume in cyberspace. In the event the total appearance of your resume doesnt immediately obtain the respect of the reader, youre in trouble. The basis of your company is your people. Bear in mind which youre attempting to sell yourself to them. You feel trapped in your mind. Thus, the probability of selecting the incorrect person escalate. Every employee in a little business has a huge effect on performance, company culture and the main point. Among the biggest things that frustrates hiring manag ers is that recruiters take too much time to find the talent the business requirements. Show your prospective employer why youre able to conduct the job better than others no matter how much experience youve got. Lies Youve Been Told About D & D Resume Therefore, if you would like the job, you will need to get a meticulously crafted and rehearsed routine just enjoy a comedian does. A professor gives you good grades when you know XYZ, but they wont raise your grade for being in a position to manage a tricky situation, showing compassion, or solving an unexpected issue. If youve downloaded some samples, make certain to customize them to the positions that youre applying for. An AACOMAS application wont be required. There is an abundance of resume samples readily available online. Research online and be sure information online matches the info on the individuals resume.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Find (or be!) the mentor of your dreams. Connect with women today via PowerToFly Networks.

Find (or be) the mentor of your dreams. Connect with women today via PowerToFly Networks. We need gender neutral dress codes in the workplace. If you dont yet agree with that statement, look no farther than a 55-page presentation given to women executives at Ernst Young in a June 2018 training. pThe presentation, which made headlines last month when an offended participant from Forbes/a Employees should dress in business casual attire, which could include casual slacks and skirts, collared shirts, blouses, or sweaters. Inappropriate attire includes sportswear, jeans, and unkempt clothing, among other options. Please exercise good judgment.pFor business formal workplaces, you could use the following Traditional business attire, including dresses, suits, and pantsuits, is required for external meetings with clients or prospects. Employees should use discretion on other occasions and are expected to demonstrate good judgment. pAnd for casual workplaces, whi ch are on the rise from The Balance/a Dress comfortably for work, but please do not wear anything that could offend your coworkers or make them feel uncomfortable. That includes clothing with profanity, hate speech, or exclusionary language. Your clothing, while casual, should show common sense and professionalism.pNo matter the level of formality your dress code needs to define, make sure youre thinking from the perspective of all employeescurrent as well as futureand creating an environment where they can thrive.p----pstrongWant to share ansicht tips with your company? /strongShow them this handy one-page guide on creating a gender neutral dress code p class=shortcode-media shortcode-media-rebelmouse-image img alt=Gender Neutral Dress Code Guide class=rm-shortcode data-rm-shortcode-id=UGVL4K1574631551 data-rm-shortcode-name=rebelmouse-image data-runner-src=https// wMDE3Ni9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTU3NDc2NjEyMX0.5akget5uOA_9aHMcPUxY1YM_Zn2w2Yhcj7m_HSCqg7I/img.jpg?width=980 id=a14b6 type=lazy-image/ pbr/

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

7 ways being single could help you save more money

7 ways being single could help you save mora money7 ways being single could help you save mora moneyWhere my single ladies at? Between the freedom to do whatever you please and the chance to really focus on yourself, being single has a ton of awesome benefits. One that might not come to mind right away? The money you save being single.Yes, paying rent and footing the bill can be costly when youre living the solo life, but youre also eligible to save mora money without an SO - heres how.1. Rent could be cheaperFirst, living at home with your parents might totally be an option when youre single. You could end up paying a lot less in rent (if anything), and then stashing away cash for your future Pinterest-perfect place. Even better, you might save money on utilities if youre splitting the bills with the fam or if the rents dont ask you to contribute to heat, electric and water bills. However, if sleeping in your childhood bedroom isnt possible, you have the chance to live with multipl e roommates. The average price of rent in the U.S. hit a new high in 2018, at$1,405 per month, so sharing a house with three other people could cost you less, mean a lot more space and be so much more fun.2. Food for one could be cheaperThere are a ton ofways to save money grocery shopping, and when youre single, you get to buy whatever you want to eat and drink. When youre single, you dont need to worry about keeping food in your apartment for an SO, like those sugary cereals or soda. You can truly pick and choose how often you go grocery shopping, how many times a week you want a PBJ sandwich (not judging) or if you eat mac n cheese out of the box more often than you want to admit. Its your life and diet, so you do you and it might just save you money.Pro TipDownload Ibottaand save even more money at the food store3. You might have more time to hustleBeing single is the best because you can truly choose exactly what you want to do at all times. You dont need to worry about spendin g a few hours on Saturday at an SOs family party. Relationships take time and effort, so while youre single, enjoy the freedom to do literally whatever you please - including hustling. You canstart a side hustleor work a few more hours of overtime with ease if youre really looking to save money, pay down debt and achieve financial freedom.4. You could put more away in your 401(k)When youre single, the only person you might need to worry about is yourself. So when it comes to making, spending and saving money, you can choose how you do it all. That also means you can skip keeping that cash in your checking account just in case you need to buy a present for an SO, and instead put it intoyour retirement account. That money is taken out from your paycheck before taxes and so you end up saving more in the long run. Plus, a 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement account is a place to save for the future, so why not work on that while youre single before you need that money for an earlier mil estone like a house, wedding or kids? Its your money, so make aya you do what you want with it before factoring someone else into the picture. Trust us, theres time for that5. Theres no pressure to spend money on a wedding right nowAccording to research from The Knot, theaverage price of a weddingin the U.S. in 2017 was $33,391.Yikes.Staying single longer (or forever) can help you avoid paying that (or any) amount of money for your big day. And if you do want to get married in the future, you have a lot more time to save Even better, when you attend weddings while youre single (or in a relationship), you can get so many ideas for how to throw yours in an affordable way.6. Your debt is your ownWhen it comes to debt, being single is a perk. If you dont plan on getting married, then you have nothing to worry about. However, marriage can throw a wrench into your debt situation. Any debt that someone incurs before getting married wont be legally brought into the marriage. However, any de bt that is incurred after getting married and that has both partners names on the account is considered joint debt. So if you open a joint credit card account with your spouse and they decide to go on a shopping spree at Macys every month without paying it off, it could damage your credit. Enjoy being in charge of only your finances while youre single7. You could get help paying for your kids college tuition now or in the futureWhen youre a single parent, whether thats right now or in the future, its important to know that you canget help in sending yourself or your child to college. For instance, FAFSA will be calculated based on your sole income, which could result in more federal aid for you or your child. Additionally, there aregovernment grantsand college scholarships for single parents, which can help offset the price of tuition.At the end of the day, being single means spending less money on someone else and more on yourself.You may not need to buy presents for a whole other family, and can maximize the amount that you stash away for your future. So take the time that youd spend cuddling with an SO tolearn how to budget better, save more money, pay down debt and invest. The One will come along, but for now, be the boss that you are and live up the solo life in any way you want.This article originally appeared on Swirled.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Career Advice Roundup 5 Great Job Search Tips from the Web - FlexJobs

Career Advice Roundup 5 Great Job Search Tips from the Web - FlexJobsCareer Advice Roundup 5 Great Job Search Tips from the Web -3job search advice out there. So today, were rounding up five of the best job search tips weve seen in the past couple out on the interwebs. No matter what stage of your job search, or what types of jobs youre searching for, these tips are sure to help.1) To Find New Jobs Fast Set Up emaille Alerts, from Job search websites, including, usually offer the opportunity for you to set up an account that offers email alerts. Whenever a job is posted that matches your pre-selected interests, youll receive an email. Email alerts are a fantastic job search tool because they allow you to find open positions the moment they are posted, and leid days or weeks later. In this tough job market, the early bird most certainly gets the worm.2) To Make a Good Impression Dont be stupid on social media, from MSNBC Careers. According to a new survey from th e U.K., 56 percent of employers check out job candidates on social networks. Whether youre currently employed or seeking a job (or both), make sure your Facebook and Twitter accounts are as private as can be, and be careful about checking that box on LinkedIn that tells people youre interested in connecting with people for career opportunities. Your current employer might not appreciate that.3) To Persevere in Your Job Search Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. This is the advice from Career Hub, an excellent site full of free advice from career experts. Like Dori in the movie, Finding Nemo, this mantra can help job seekers through some pretty difficult situations. How many times have you not heard back from potential employers? Or made it to the final interview round, only to be rejected? There are lots of ups and downs in a job search, so when you find yourself in the downs, remember, just keep swimming.4) To Bridge the Gap in Your Resume Give the hiring manager something else to focus on. According to WiseBread, many stay-at-home parents who return the workforce are focused too much on their experience gap and too little on fixing it. They recommend doing loads of research ahead of time so that you, Know the challenges of the position and everything else about the it so when you sit down in front of a hiring manager you can talk about the position better than the hiring manager can. Demonstrating why your experience is incredible has mora weight and relevancy than the fact that you were a stay-at-home mom. This way, the hiring manager focuses on your preparedness and in-depth knowledge rather than that gap.5) To Get Your Foot in the Door, Considering Freelancing. According to an article by Jessica Stillman on Gigaom, more companies are turning to freelance and contract professionals because of the flexibility that comes with hiring independent workers. Says Gene Zaino, an expert in independent working, Today most Fortune 500 companies have an actual pos ition that manages their non-employee labor and in more and more companies theres much more publicity, much more education, much more awareness. Check out freelance job postings here.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Resume Formats - One Size Does Not Fit All

Resume Formats - One Size Does Not Fit AllResume Formats - One Size Does Not Fit AllResumes are commonly thought to be something that must follow a certain cookie-cutter formula. In reality, your resume format is your ticket to an interview and must fit your individual situation like a glove.Technical/IT ExperienceA standard resume format typically includes a section at the bottom for skills. If you work in a technical/IT field, you need this section right at the top A good place for this would be between your professional summary and your work experience. Break it down into sections such asOperating Systems Windows, LinuxSoftware CAD, AutoCAD, DynascapeLanguages C+, C++Security Norton, McAfeeAlso, creating a mini-version of this at the end of every employment section on your resume. This would show which of the things you listed at the top of your resume were used at each company, so the reader can get a feel for what kind of experience you have and how long you have used a program. Skilled trade experienceA standard resume format typically does bedrngnis include a section for equipment or tools that you have experience with. You owe it to yourself to create one right at the top in a similar format as the example shown aboveWhere appropriate, you can do the mini-version after each position on your resume as well - also shown above.Perceived instabilityMany books on resume formats and job searches will tell you to put your resume in the functional format instead of the chronological format when you have had a lot of gaps in employment for example. This is usually not the best strategy because companies may require your resume to be in chronological order as it is the easiest for them to decipher. In some cases, a functional resume format may be skipped altogether if it is too difficult to read. Ways to work around this includeUse years only for the date ranges spent at each employer do not add months.If you have done a lot of contract work with the same contr act agency, you can group your assignments under this common employer and only provide a date range for the employer and not each assignment. You may also include the reason you left each position, if favorable, such asCompany-wide restructuringLayoffMergerRelocation for partners careerJob titles do not match experienceIf your job title is administrative assistant but your experience goes well beyond what you would consider typical for that title, there are a couple of things you can do to slow the reader down and not have them glance over this position. While you cannot get very creative for your title because you need it to reasonably match what is seen from a background check during the hiring processes, you can put some specifics after the titleAdministrative Assistant (Sales Marketing)Administrative Assistant Sales/MarketingYou can also bunch activities/responsibilities/duties together and give them headers, perhaps in bold to make them stand out, instead of just listing them and put the most relevant ones at the top. Administrative AssistantSalesMarketingAdministrationCalendar managementMeeting coordinationExpense reportsAgeOf course, hiring activities should not discriminate against mora mature candidates, but it can happen, even subconsciously and there is no need to feed the flame.Wont they see how old I am in an interview, you ask? Yes, but remember the purpose of the resume is to get you an interview. Once you are in front of them at an interview, you have a chance to sell yourself a lot better than simply on paper, with both your maturity and your fresh ideas.To avoid giving away clues to your age, remember to go against what you read in resume writing books andDo not list the year you graduated in the education section of your resume.Only list the past ten years of your work history under Work Experience unless the position is extremely relevant.No work experienceJust about everybody at one point or another has been frustrated with the conundru m of not getting selected for an entry level position because you lack experience and how can you get experience if no one will hire you because you do not have experience?Here are a couple techniquesto give yourself the upper handList relevant coursework at the top in asimilar fashion as described above for IT and skilled trade professionals.Dont be afraid to list on-campus positions you have held such as RA, Cafeteria Cashier, etc. recruiters want to see that you are reliable and dependable even if your work experience is not particularly relevant.Create a Volunteer Experience section on your resume and includeRelevant experienceAny experience where you can showcase significant accomplishments Having a custom resume format, not just to you, but to the position you are applying for is one of the most important parts of your job search. Interview trainingshould take a close second.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

3 tricks to step up your self-promotion skills

3 tricks to step up your self-promotion skills 3 tricks to step up your self-promotion skills I recently attended a women’s leadership dinner and heard a young woman ask the speaker - a corporate woman executive - her best strategy for promoting her accomplishments. Coolly, the executive responded, “Have others do it for you.”Ever since, I’ve been turning this advice over uncomfortably in my head.I’m the first person to say that you need to enlist others in your career advancement. And of course, it helps your career if people speak positively about you when you’re not around.But taking an “outer” approach to self-promotion puts an awful lot of hope and trust in others. And it negates your own voice and power to … a mere whisper. Just consider the experience of Marcia Reynolds, Psy.D., a versed executive coach and author of Wander Women: How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction. Reynolds often hears leaders remark about her female coachees: “She’s valued more by senior management than she values herself.”Whether you’ve landed a new c lient, settled a case, launched a product or won an award, consider some of the approaches below as you fine-tune your own voice for talking about accomplishments:Be a better  storytellerIf it’s true that you have to tell it to sell it, then you’d better think about how you can package your accomplishments in story format. Narrate your success so it has a clear beginning, middle, and end. By telling a story, it not only humanizes your success for the listener, but it’s often easier for you, the storyteller, to share without feeling conceited. Need help thinking of good story material?Paul Smith, author of Lead with a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire asks, “What’s the toughest problem you ever solved? What’s the most creative thing you’ve ever done? What’s the best working relationship you’ve ever had? For great story content, recall your greatest successes, challenges, and failures.”Keep it factualMany women avo id self-promotion for fear their accomplishment will sound overblown. Sara Canuso, founder of training and coaching firm Women That Influence, suggests a different tactic.Recommends Sara, “Try to state your accomplishments in ways that are irrefutable. Avoid innuendo or hearsay by focusing on your concrete actions and behaviors, and most of all, results you were responsible for.”If your efforts led to a very happy client, return business or an important efficiency, then own it! Doing so allows you to speak about your victory without hesitation or being overly modest. If it’s true, it’s not bragging.Use “drop-in’s”If you succeeded in drafting a winning strategic plan, let’s say, and want to be recognized and called for your strategic mindset in the future, then you need to frame your success using the right language - even after the fact. Kathleen Cashman, CEO of Cashman Consulting LLC, a management consulting and training firm, advises using simple yet consistent wo rds or “drop in’s” that reinforce your accomplishment.For example, you might say, “You can rely on me. I have a strategic view on this topic … ” or “Strategically, I think we should … ” Cashman notes, “You’d be surprised how the consistent ‘drop-in’ influences others to use these words when they’re speaking about you.”With study after study showing that women are more apprehensive about discussing their general competence - let alone major accomplishments - this is something we need to do.Ultimately, self-promotion is … self-preservation.This article first appeared on Be Leaderly.

Monday, November 18, 2019

4 underrated elements of a career advancement plan

4 underrated elements of a career advancement plan 4 underrated elements of a career advancement plan A vice president of a financial company once told me, “Make a plan- or someone else will make one for you.” And this advice is never truer than when it comes to taking charge of your career.If you’ve worked hard, fulfilled your responsibilities, and  received positive performance reviews, then you’ve successfully followed what most people would call a career development plan. Unfortunately, that’s a far cry from what I call a career advancement plan. To make significant forward movement, you’ll need to go beyond being great at your current job- but, as I often tell clients in  my leadership coaching practice, if you’re waiting on advice from your boss about how to do that, you’d be wise not to hold your breath.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!  Pace Productivity, Inc. found that while managers overwhelmingly cite “people management” as their most importan t priority, a typical mid-level manager spends a measly 3.3 hours per week managing people. Of that time, only two hours are  allocated to coaching, training, and mentoring. Meanwhile, administrative tasks suck up a whopping 24% of their time. So, sure- your boss wants to help you grow. Right after he or she files travel expenses, signs off on a purchase order, and declines a meeting request.So, to give you more reliable input for your career advancement plan, I talked to two of the smartest leaders I know: Donnell Green, global head of talent management and development with Blackrock; and Dr. Caroline Simard, associate director of diversity and leadership with the Stanford School of Medicine. They shared some  key strategies that all employees should know- but aren’t always told- about moving upward.Get good bossesThose who have successfully advanced in the workplace- and hope to continue on that path- know that working for the right leader is  the first logical step to becoming a leader. Green, for example, knew that taking charge of her career meant building a support network of coaches, mentors, and sponsors.“Don’t go it alone,” she advises, “and give careful consideration to who is in your management chain. Work for people you respect,  and get a good boss. I have built great relationships with my bosses and created value for them. Having the support of your manager can make or break a career.”Why is a great boss so important? According to Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, the best leaders provide career-boosting training, development, and coaching, and they help employees capitalize on their strengths. They also provide you with role models to emulate as you learn to lead. If you don’t know of  any great talent developers in your direct management chain, ask around to discover who they are. If there’s no possibility of working directly for them, enlist them as a mentor.Narrow paths can be precariousImagine if you tried to nurture a deli cate seedling by gripping onto it so tightly that you almost squeeze the life out of it. Don’t do that to your most important career goals!What I mean is this: You may have a  very specific idea of where you want to be and what you think you need to do to get there. And if you are fortunate enough to get your manager’s input, he or she will probably prescribe your company’s pre-set career track: a narrow, linear path with fewer opportunities the higher you climb.But according to Simard, you need to be open to adjusting that plan. “If you’re too attached to a very narrow definition of success or plan for your career, you will ignore amazing opportunities,” she warns. “Keep your eye on the goal, but don’t stand in the way of the end result. Sometimes, that means  doing a task that you’re not particularly interested in. But if it’s really important to achieving your vision, it’s absolutely worth doing.”Even in her own career plan, Simard doesn’t have a set rou te: “I try to have a plan, but it’s a flexible plan.”As a president in the automotive repair industry once told me, “Choose the one thing that is most important to you in your next role- be it location, a certain function, a particular level in the organization, whether you’d like direct reports, or whatever it is- and then be as flexible as you can about the rest. You’ll be more likely to actually get that next role.”Timing is everythingIn 2011, when Accenture surveyed 3,400 executives, they found that only 37% had asked for a raise, promotion, or job change. But, of those who asked, 65% said it helped. In fact,  59% of people who asked for a promotion got one. So what’s the simplest way to get a promotion? Statistically speaking, it is to ask for one.But no one- including your boss- is going to tell you when or how to make that request.And according to Green, strategically timing your request is incredibly important. “The right conversation held at the wrong time can be harmful,” she warns, “as is failing to be mindful that your boss is in a bad mood or the person you’re talking to is the wrong person. Pay attention to timing and use those instincts for these conversations.”So, consider the corporate culture of your office. When is the right time to ask for a promotion? For example, some organizations want you to  indicate your interest in moving up when you sit down for your annual performance review. But in others, you would have missed the boat entirely because succession planning already took place. Potential   candidates have already been identified to fill their superiors’ roles. In that case, six months before your review would be the ideal time to ask HR if your performance merited you a place in the succession pipeline.To determine which approach is best, observe how others get promoted. Ask about when and how your organization handles talent development decisions like succession planning, performance evaluations, and ide ntification of high-potential talent.   Then you can choose the optimal time to make your request.Don’t be all business all the timeYou might assume that your boss wants you to give 110%, all the time- but ironically, doing so could cause you to miss out on a key strategy for high performance and getting ahead. In fact, the  Corporate Executive Board  found that employees who believe they have good work-life balance work 21% harder than those who do not.Simard, who leads an initiative at Stanford School of Medicine to increase work-life integration, concurs that maintaining a healthy balance is extremely important in career advancement. “Don’t ignore work-life fit,” she advises. “These two pieces need to go hand-in-hand in everything you do.”Green agrees. “Mind the seriousness and intensity!” she says. “If you’re someone who people enjoy being around, have a sense of humor, and don’t take yourself seriously, you’ll have followership- and that followership wil l advance your career.” By being a role model of balance and encouraging colleagues to do the same, you’ll increase their desire to stay in their jobs, the performance of the team, and your own leadership potential.Your own boss may not tell what you need to advance your career, and you won’t find the best strategies listed in the corporate employee handbook, either. So, take it from these two pros who have seen what it takes to lead. Find a great boss, set flexible career goals, consider the timing before you ask for a promotion, and get some balance.This article originally appeared on Be Leaderly.  You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Deciding Which Military Service to Join

Deciding Which Military Service to Join Deciding Which Military Service to Join Deciding to join the military should require some internal questioning. In asking yourself why you want to join the military, ask yourself the following: Do you want to serve your country?Are you thinking of making the military a career, or just join for four to five years prior to going to college?Do you want to learn a trade, or get college benefits?Are you interested in traveling the world? There are many reasons why people join the military. But joining because you cannot find anything else to do is typically not the best reason, though many of those who are uninterested in what the civilian jobs offer to find a home in the military as well.   Military Versus Civilian Employment Before you join, recognize the fact that a job in the military is not civilian employment. Its not just like having a regular job. You just cannot decide you want to get out of the military  anytime you want to- you signed a contract- and the military signed a contract with you, too. You can go to jail just for being late for work. (Granted, its unlikely that a commander would impose nonjudicial punishment, or court-martial action the first time you are late for work, but it would be entirely legal for him/her to do so according to  Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice [UCMJ].) No matter how high your rank, no matter which service you join, there will always have a boss. Many times you wont like or agree with your orders, but you take a solemn oath to obey the orders of the President of the United States and the lawful orders of those appointed over you. Disobeying those orders can have serious consequences. If you cant live with this simple fact, save yourself the hardship and the government some valuable time and money, and dont enlist. Travel is significant in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and even in the Coast Guard and National Guard. Expect to move often and be away from home six or more months at a time when deployed. If you like to smoke marijuana once in a while, dont join. The military uses random, no-notice urinalysis, and if youre found positive, you may very well go to jail (as well as being discharged). The DOD urinalysis test can find THC in your urine for three weeks after youve smoked a joint. 1:48 Watch Now: Which Branch of the Military Is Right For You? Which Service Should I Join? Next, youll need to decide which service you are interested in. Sometimes, youll know this in advance. Perhaps you had a friend or relative who served or is serving in a particular branch of the military and you want to follow in their footsteps. You should give this matter much study and thought. Each of the services is different, and some people may be more suited (based upon qualifications, temperament, and/or interests) for one service vs. another. Make sure you select a service that  you  are interested in joining, based upon  your  interests. Dont join a service just because someone else liked it, or expects you to. Its your life and your decision.   There are also differences in education benefits, assignments, job guarantees, education programs, and enlistment/re-enlistment bonuses. Recruiters see lots of folks who want to enlist and serve in one of these elite fields. The truth of the matter is that most people who apply for the elite programs wash out due to the very rigorous training requirements. If you enlist to become one of these elites, and you wash out of training, you dont get to quit. Youll be required to serve the remainder of your enlistment contract in a different job. The Marines If you like shooting (a lot) and want a complete change of lifestyle, to include a deeply ingrained pride of service, commitment, and sense of loyalty, the Marine Corps may be what youre looking for. This may be a minor point, but it is very telling. When you ask an airman what he does, he will respond, Im in the Air Force. When you ask a sailor what she does, shell respond, Im in the Navy. If you ask a Marine what he does, hell say I  am  a Marine.  The Marines are also scattered around (although not in as great numbers as the other services). Recently, however, the Marines have been taking their turns in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, unlike the Army (and like the Navy), a Marine may find him/herself spending significant  amounts of time deployed to sea on Navy amphibious ships. If you join the Marines, expect to eat, sleep, and breathe The Corps, 24 hours per day, seven days per week. All Marines are considered riflemen first, plus whatever other MOS (job) they hold second. This is attributable to the high level of marksmanship training that all Marines receive. The Army If you want a little more flexibility in your lifestyle, but still want a strong sense of being in the military, the Army may be for you. If you like to crawl through the mud and blow things up, using the latest and greatest of blowing up toys, consider one of the Armys combat arms branches. Youll likely get all the time in the field, that you want.   The Army deploys a significant number of soldiers to Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Kosovo, but Korea, Japan, and Germany are among the other beautiful and interesting places where you could be stationed.  Many Army Combat Arms units, such as the infantry,  Special Forces and Rangers, require significant additional training that is physically and tactically intense and has high attrition rates. The Navy The Navy is probably the best place for those who like to travel. There are only a few ratings (jobs) in the Navy that wont spend a significant amount of time at sea. This might be great if you are single, but might be something youll want to think about if you have a family.   In todays military, expect to spend a significant time away from home. The average Navy enlisted person can spend a significant amount of time each year at sea. On any given day, 40 percent of Navy personnel are assigned to a ship or submarine, and 35 percent to 45 percent of those ships will be deployed to sea. The Navy, while not as rigid as the Marines and Army, has many deep-set customs and traditions. For the gung-ho sailor, the Navy possesses  special operations forces: Navy SEALs, Navy EOD, SWCC, and SAR Swimmers. The Coast Guard The Coast Guard has the advantage of having a real, peacetime mission, in active law enforcement, rescue, and ocean safety. On the downside, the Coast Guard only has 23 enlisted jobs to choose from, and you usually cannot get a guaranteed job at the time of enlistment. On the plus side, pretty much all of those jobs directly relate to the civilian job market. Additionally, with fewer jobs, the Coast Guard doesnt specialize as much as the other services, and one may get a wider range of experience within a specific job. Coast Guard drug interdiction missions and port security missions are today focused on anti-terrorism as well as crime. The job can get pretty intense when arresting armed drug dealers on the high seas or rescuing stranded boaters in a storm. The Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers are highly trained and highly qualified members of rescue and life-saving teams around the country.   The Air Force Of all the services, the Air Force is probably the most like having a regular job. The Air Force is, arguably, far ahead of the other services in many quality of life issues such as dormitories and base housing units. If these things are important to you, then the Air Force should be something you look into. However, in terms of educational requirements and overall  Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery  (AFVAB)  scores, the Air Force (tied with the Coast Guard) is the hardest service to get into.  Depending on your Air Force AFSC (job), and duty assignment, you may find yourself spending up to seven months out of every year deployed to such garden spots as Kosovo, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, or Iraq.  The Air Force  could be considered  as the least military service, also has its share of gung-ho, in the elite Combat Controllers and Air Force Pararescue forces. The National Guard and Reserves All of the services have a reserve component, while the Army and Air Force have a related National Guard as well. The primary purpose of the Reserves and National Guard is to provide a reserve force to supplement the active duty forces when needed. The biggest difference between the Reserves and National Guard is that the Reserves belong to the federal government, while the National Guard belongs to the individual state government. While both the Reserves and the National Guard can be called to active duty by the Federal Government, under the authority of the President, individual state governors can also call out their National Guard units to assist in individual state emergencies. Following basic training and job training, members of the Reserves and National Guard drill (perform duties) one weekend each month  and two weeks every year. However, its become more and common to activate Guard and Reserve units to supplement active duty deployments to such  locations as Iraq, Kuwait, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Kosovo.   Enlisted Members Versus Commissioned Officers In addition to deciding on a military service, if you have a four-year college bachelors degree (or above), you should decide whether you want to join that service as a commissioned officer, or whether you wish to join as an enlisted member. Commissioned officers make a lot more money than enlisted members. Additionally, their quality of life is generally better (better housing, quarters, etc.). However, they have a much greater degree of responsibility. The competition for commissioned slots is tough, and merely having a college degree is not enough. Factors such as college grade point average and officer accession test scores are given much weight. Its also much harder to get approved for waivers (medical, criminal history, etc.) for commissioned applicants than it is for enlisted applicants. If you decide you wish to apply for a commission, ask the recruiter to refer you to an Officer Accessions Recruiter. The Bottom Line Once youve decided what service youre interested in, you may wish to make appointments and talk to the recruiters of all of the services that interest you. Do not go into the recruiters office without an idea of what you are interested in pursuing as a job, and prepare yourself physically if challenging training is involved (SEALs, Rangers, RECON, Air Force PJ as an example). If you have no idea what you want to do in the military, the recruiter will steer you toward what the military needs.  This will depend on your ASVAB scores as well.  The better you score on the ASVAB, the more options available to you, so do a few practice tests and actually study for it if you want to do something that is competitive (Nuke School, Medical, Special Ops). Dont begin the enlistment qualification process, however, until youre sure what service you want to join. Its unfair to make a recruiter do all the work to pre-qualify you, set you up for testing and medical, then back out and join a different service.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

7 Questions That Will Help You Find a Fulfilling Career

7 Questions That Will Help You Find a Fulfilling Career 7 Questions That Will Help You Find a Fulfilling Career When you are trying to figure out what to do with your life, it makes sense to seek out fulfilling careers. That quest may lead you to do an online search for lists of occupations that fit the bill. The problem with best careers lists is that they dont address the differences among individuals. A profession that fulfills one person wont necessarily fulfill another.If you want a career saving the planet, you will find what youre looking for on one of the lists your search uncovered. That desire is  indeed a noble thing and no doubt many people find doing that very satisfying, but not everyone does. Some people love counting beans, and others find great joy in assembling widgets.So, what do you think would be a fulfilling career?  Your response depends on who you are and what is important to you.These 7 questions will help you figure out if the profession you want to pursue, regardless of whether it is a job as a bean counter, widget maker, or do-gooder, will satisfy you. 01 Whether the Job Fits Well With Who You Are Tetra Images / Getty Images Nothing will make a career less fulfilling than if you are always worried about whether you will be able to find a job and stay employed. Accessing labor market information will allow you to answer this question.You will want to learn how many people work in the occupation you are investigating. Your chances of finding a job if it employs a lot of individuals are considerably better, but you will also need to look at job outlook. That is the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) prediction of employment growth and job prospects for the future.Another thing to learn about is the location of jobs. Jobs in some fields are concentrated in certain regions. If you are willing to relocate, that wont be a problem for you, but if moving isnt in your plans, you should reconsider your options.

Friday, November 15, 2019

You Can (and Should) Put Volunteer Work on a Resume

You Can (and Should) Put Volunteer Work on a Resume Putting Volunteer Work on a Resume You Can (and Should) Put Volunteer Work on a Resume Good karma is not the only thing you can build by volunteering. You can also build a great resume. Adding volunteer work to your resume is especially helpful if you're just starting out, changing careers, or returning to work. And even though volunteer skills don't pay the bills, your volunteer experience could be the ticket to your next paycheck. In an article for (Use Volunteering to Try Something New), Susan G. Ellis points out that volunteer work places new graduates a notch above fellow students who can only list classroom studies and summer jobs on their resumes; enables career changers to show employers that they not only want to make a change, but have already made the change and are now ready to take it into a full-time role; provides a way for people returning to work to ease back into the workplace, build self-confidence, and get their skills back up to speed; and gives you current contacts and references to help you land a paying job. If you're still caught up in the notion that it's somehow cheating to put volunteer work on your resume, get over it. I like the way they put it on the Ask a Manager blog: Your accomplishments are your accomplishments. It's no one's business how much you got paid for them, even if that amount is zero. But perhaps it would help to think of yourself as taking on pro bono work rather than a volunteer. Successful career changer Barbara Dozetos explains in a Monster article (Volunteer Work Does Your Resume Good) how volunteering to write for a community newspaper helped her make the shift from bookkeeping to writing. Although she knew she had great writing skills, her resume was filled with bookkeeping jobs. Through volunteer work, she helped a cause that was meaningful to her and built a portfolio that launched her writing career. Where Does It Go on Your Resume? Typically, volunteer jobs can go right in with paid jobs, structured the same way (title, dates, brief description, accomplishments). In addition, you should consider mentioning it in either your Objective or Professional Summary. Examples: Objective: To apply the direct mail expertise gained as a volunteer marketing coordinator for the Cystic Fibrosis Society to a full-time position as .... Six months' experience teaching Internet skills at Springfield Assisted Living.... Volunteer work that is unrelated to your targeted position (but still makes you look good) can go under a heading such as Community Service at the end of the resume, and/or in your cover letter. How to Become a Volunteer If you're interested in finding a volunteer position and aren't sure where to start, visit or to be matched up with organizations in your area, or check the web sites of organizations you'd like to work for pro bono.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

George H. Corliss

George H. Corliss George H. Corliss George H. Corliss Are you an engineer inventor who can sell your own ideas? George Henry Corliss was. During the industrial age, Corliss (1817-1888) left school at age 14 and spent his early years working in New York as a clerk in a factory store. He attended an academy in Vermont, but opted to return to the only business he had known previously and opened his own store, working as a merchant. Bored with routine tasks, around age 23, he began to use his mechanical talents to invent and perfect machinery, and after a few years was awarded his first patent for a boot-stitching machine. Corliss moved from New York to Providence, RI, to seek funding to market and produce the stitching machine but his plans changed when he became interested in steam engines. As a result, he took a job at Fairbanks, Bancroft, and Company as a draftsman for their steam engine and boiler manufacturing firm. He rose in seniority, was able to work on his own projects at the company, and after a few years, left to pursue his own ideas as senior partner in Corliss, Nightingale, and Co. His new ideas improved steam engine design which benefited the entire world. Corliss invented a valve that allowed steam to quickly pressurize a piston, moving it back and forth before the steam could condense. He also created governors that would control the steam and exhaust. These advances reduced waste heat and allowed the engine to operate with more uniform motion and lowered fuel costs. He designed, developed, and patented the Corliss Engine based on these improvements. The Corliss Centennial Engine. The Inventors Hall of Fame notes that the efficient shuttle valve in the Corliss Engines paved the way for the widespread use of steam power in nineteenth-century America. In 1856, Corliss opened the Corliss Steam Engine Company in Providence, RI. The steam engines he produced were used in many industrial applications, and were soon exported to Scotland for use in cotton mills. He opened a second production facility in England and oversaw both locations. Over time, the Corliss Engine was used worldwide, and once the patents expired, Corliss-type engine designs were adopted by many manufacturers. Corlisss most well-known achievement was the Centennial Engine. Built for the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, PA, this steam engine powered all of the machinery in Machinery Hall for the six month expo. It stood forty feet tall and weighed six-hundred-tons, making it the largest steam engine, and based on its maximum power rating, the most powerful at the time. With much celebration, President Ulysses S. Grant and Emperor Don Pedro II of Brazil activated the Centennial Corliss engine using hand cranks to kick off the beginning of the Expo. After the expo closed, the engine was sold to the Pullman Company, where it operated for 30 more years. This low-speed engine was also significant as it marked the end of an era for steam engines, as high-speed steam engines became popular in the late 1880s. Awards and medals from around the world indicate the extent to which Corliss impacted daily life during the industrial age. He personally held an honorary M.A. from Brown University, Bostons Academy of Arts and Sciences 1870 Rumford Medal, and the Institute of Frances 1879 Montyon prize, which at the time, was the highest honor known for mechanical achievements. He was also made an Officer of the Order of Leopold in 1886 by the King of Belgium. The Corliss engine also received numerous awards. It won the highest prize at the 1867 Paris Exhibition, beating more than a hundred of the worlds most noted engine builders. At the 1873 Vienna Exposition, despite not even being on exhibition, the engine won the Grand Diploma of Honor - the top award - since Corlisss innovations were in almost every steam engine exhibited. Debbie Sniderman is an independent writer. Over time, the Corliss Engine was used worldwide, and once the patents expired, Corliss-type engine designs were adopted by many manufacturers.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Finding a Job in Esports - Video Games & Career Paths

Finding a Job in Esports - Video Games & Career Paths Finding a Job in Esports - Video Games & Career Paths Finding a Job in Esports - Video Games Career PathsWe are writing this to tell you that it is okay to chase your dreams, it is okay to be crazy, and it is okay to think that video games esports offer legitimate career paths -because they do. Here is how.Note: The Oxford Dictionary defines esports as “a multiplayer video game played competitively for spectators, typically by professional gamers.”Source: imgur.comThe Current Problem with Esports and Why We Write ThisA mere 13% of the U.S. workforce feel passionate about their jobs, and according to a recent Gallup survey, 85% of the world's full-time workers are either not engaged or actively disengaged in their jobs.These statistics hit hard. Why is it that so many people find themselves in jobs that they don't love, at companies they don't believe in, in industries that they are not passionate about?We asked ourselves these questions over and over again and came to the only logical explanation: people lack the support and guida nce to help them find a foothold in their dream industry. In this blog post, we want to clear up several misconceptions about how to enter a new and booming industry such as esports with or without previous experience in a related field. Let us take you on a journey that not only explores an exciting new world of jobs but one that also encourages you to take a leap, to chase your dreams, and to be yourself in a job that you are passionate about.The Esports IndustryHere at ReKTGlobal, we are passionate about gaming and esports. That is why we created a job board dedicated to the esports gaming industry. Early on we recognized that what this industry needed was a platform where organizations of all sizes could attract endemic talent, and job seekers had a place to check-up on the most recent opportunities near them.According to Newzoo, there were more than 2.2 billion gamers in the world in 2017, fuelling an industry that is expected to make over 40 billion in revenues by 2020 â€" fo r the first time overtaking the global sports industry. And while esports (competitive gaming) is “only” predicted to reach revenues of .5 billion in 2020, it is the hottest and fastest growing niche of the gaming industry. Non-endemic brands are jumping on the esports hype train en masse from FC Bayern Munich to Mercedes, BMW, Coca-Cola, RedBull and even the Formula F1 â€" nobody wants to miss out on this unique opportunity to connect with the most difficult to reach demographic of millennials. And while esports has been a niche industry for a couple of decades now it only came to be a legitimate career path over the last 10 years. It is an industry led by Generation Y (Millennials) alongside a few esports veterans from Generation X. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find yourself working with CEOs, and General Managers in their mid-twenties and in organizations where working remotely may not only be an option but a requirement. But don’t be fooled into thinking esports Is jus t about bootstrapped start-ups and young people playing video games. You will find large and established esports organizations with several offices around the world just the same. Esports is booming, and esports is diverse.How To Get Into EsportsOn our Twitter, we constantly get asked “How can I find a job in esports?”, and the answer is that it’s not all that different from finding a job in any other industry. For 90% of the positions out there experience trumps professional degrees. “But what if I am just out of college and/or don’t have any experience in this field at all?” If you don’t have any experience, then your best course of action is to stay in your current job or apply for a traditional job that can keep you above water. Once you can pay the bills, spend every waking minute of your spare time on esports. Write articles in the evening and publish them on your blog, create audio podcasts on your way to work, voluntarily manage the social accounts of an up-and -coming esports team, or hit up event organizers such as the Esports Arena to volunteer as Event Staff. This will help the organizations to grow and give you the opportunity to gain some much-needed experience in the industry.At this point, we would also like to clear up some misconceptions about what qualifies people to get a job in esports. A job in esports is still a job, and jobs come with requirements, deadlines, responsibilities, and hours upon hours of work. Just because someone watches every match of the LCS or reaches 4000SR in Overwatch doesn’t mean that they are more qualified for a specific job than a casual gamer or anyone else. Yes, you might bring more in-depth gaming and community experience to the table, but what’s more important is that you can bring the right skills, knowledge, time, and dedication to an esports job â€" maybe even more so than with other jobs.Now that you know the basics of how the industry works let’s dive a bit into the details of how you should go about finding a job in your field of expertise. Our data tells us that the most sought-after jobs in esports are in Writing/Journalism, Graphic Design, Event Management, Social Media Management, and General Management of Teams/Players. Here are some ideas on how you can get started in some of these positions:Writers/JournalistsIf you can’t get enough of League of Legends, know all the match-ups and scores of the past major Overwatch tournaments, or simply love going over the latest team news â€" but you lack the experience to apply for a full-time position: start searching for volunteer gigs. For content creators, it’s important to just get out there. Create yourself a blog page and start writing short/mid/long-form copy. Record yourself and share your audio esports podcast with the world. This way you have something to show for when you do apply for a paid position in this field.Source: giphy.comGraphic DesignerFor Designers, maybe even more so than for Writers, it is incredibly important to have a portfolio to show your skills. You don’t have any volunteer or paid gigs lined-up? Create a couple of social media revamps for players and/or teams and @ them (make sure you watermark your designs so they can’t just be copied). If you’re lucky this can land you a position with one of the most prestigious organizations in the scene. Otherwise, it will still add to your continuously growing portfolio which will become your most important resource when you apply for full-time positions. Keep your eyes open on social media, especially Instagram and Twitter, so you don’t miss any contests or community-driven design challenges (this happens more often than you think!).Source: giphy.comEvent ManagersDid you study event management? Great, but have you run your own booth/stall at a sizeable event? Have you recently been to a live tournament? In the best-case scenario, you can answer all of these with a strong Yes! but we know that this is not always th e case. If you get to the interview and are being asked “You have no event management degree have never run an event or booth yourself, why should we hire you?” imagine the looks on the recruiters faces when you tell them that you’ve been to the last dozen big esports events in the country and have analysed the most common mistakes that companies and brands make. Be creative, spend your time wisely (you can’t be everywhere), and know your strengths. This is just one example of how you can go from “I have no experience” to “I have the type of knowledge, experience, and dedication that you are looking for”. A tip: many events offer volunteer opportunities for fans to help them run a smooth show. Keep your eyes peeled on social media for related posts! Here is an example.Social Media ManagersEvery team - no matter how small or large, no matter how successful - needs to have a strong presence on social media. The reason being that sponsorships and partnered content are often the single biggest revenue streams for esports teams. Thus, you will often find organizations looking for dedicated, witty, and professional social media managers who can boost the organization’s social performance and connect on the right level with the right audiences. You will have the best chances to land the job if you have previously been part of a community because you will be more likely to know what works and what engages fans the most. Comcast Philadelphia Fusion, for example, hired a “Meme Specialist” not too long ago. Yes, memes. You don’t learn about that in college or university. This is what you learn when you spend time on Discord servers, browse gaming subreddits, and play the games.This should give you an idea of how the esports job market works, what’s most popular, and how you can get started. If your dream job is not listed above, don’t worry. The esports job market is evolving much faster than we can type. We have seen job posts for esports m ake-up artists, personal fitness trainers physiotherapists, mental fitness coaches, nutritionists, legal counsel, biz dev sales, broadcasting live production, tournament referees, chefs kitchen staff, UI UX developers, and many more.“That’s great, but I live in the middle of nowhere, I’ll never find a job in esports!” This might have been true 10 years ago, but now you qualify for an esports job pretty much as long as you have a stable internet connection. Almost a third of the jobs and volunteer opportunities that we see are remote/work-from-home positions. There have also been more and more full-time positions popping up around the world from Sweden to Germany, France, the UK, Turkey, Russia, Indonesia, Australia, Korea, China, Japan, India, and more. Not every type of job may be available near you, but if you want to keep up with the latest opportunities in the scene, you know where to look.Resume Tips for Esports IndustryFocus on your achievements rather than your r esponsibilities. Tell the recruiter about how you had an impact in your last job, and how that relates to the role you are applying for.Make sure your social handles reflect your professional interests in the industry. Yes, gamers can be geeky and esports is no different. And you will find many of the pro players, casters commentators, and even CEOs use their in-game names as their social handles. However, make sure that your social handles and your email address are media friendly.Thoroughly read the application requirements! This one is really important in the industry. Some companies put a big focus on hiring gamers and people who have spent time in the communities that they want to manage. You might find that these companies ask you to show your “Gamer CV” or your “Gaming History”. This is your time to shine. Don’t write a 2-pager about how you led all of your World of Warcraft raids but instead show in which games you were active, what rank you reached, which teams y ou played for and which tournaments you’ve played in. Make it short and sweet and relevant.Now that you know about esports and that this industry has a lot more to offer than just video games, let’s find you a job in 2 easy steps:1.Create your own gaming/esports resume Cover Letter2.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why I Work Like a Millennial

Why I Work Like a Millennial Why I Work Like a Millennial The term millennial is more than a buzz word; it’s a complete culture.   Millennials are changing the way things are done, most notably the way we work. As the largest fraction of the U. S. workforce, it’s surprising to see companies resisting the profound impact of millennials. As they continue to change the workforce, here are a few reasons for why these changes are for the better: Millennials Made It More Productive to Work from Home Millennials understand that with all the technology we have, being in the office is not always necessary. I’ve scheduled tweets through my phone.   I’ve used Facebook’s apps to conduct full-on marketing campaigns while waiting for a movie to start.   I’ve booked interviews in an email exchange while on a train. I’ve written blogs from hotel rooms across America â€" the same types of blogs I’ve written in the office.   And if I could have had job interviews over Skype, I’m pretty sure I can attend meetings over FaceTime.   Technology has made the office anywhere you want it to be. However, many employers are hesitant to adapt to this change. I worked for the City where there was a strict policy against working from home; they even invested millions on a program to track people’s work hours (it was called CityTime and it cost millions more when you factor in the corruption countless news sources have reported around the program). You had to clock in and clock out and it created a 9 to 5 culture that becomes a productivity killer. Now, think of how much money would be saved by employers if job performance wasn’t measured by hours worked, but by how much you did during your work day. What a concept. If I can work from home, I will go above and beyond for my employer, and I have. I feel accountable for my work, but sometimes something happens in the day that takes me away from my computer. I don’t want to lose the perk of working from home, so if I had to step away from 12 to 2 in the afternoon, I will more than likely work an extra three hours at night to make sure the work got done. And sometimes, when there are no office distractions, more work can be accomplished during those three hours.   Millennials Make Work More Efficient At my last job, I used to joke that we would have meetings to prepare for our meetings. It made no sense that with the availability of email, chat, even workplace social media programs like Yammer, meetings are still considered a necessity. In today’s fast-paced environment, efficiency is key and anyone who has been in a meeting that begins with unnecessary banter, devolves into a contest of one-upmanship, and ends with the decision to schedule a follow-up meeting, knows that meetings can be extremely inefficient.   Let’s break it down further. There are 10 people in a room discussing a topic, but only one person is really talking at a time. When that person is talking, the other 9 people are sitting there listening…many of them waiting for what is being said to apply directly to their function. In turn, those 9 people are not working. In many cases, they are only half-listening. But if there are 10 people on an email chain or using a collaborative work program, the email chain might take a little longer to conclude, but people are working at the same time the topic is being discussed. In addition, when work is conducted over email and a written record is created, the information is all there and can be easily searched if someone forgets something.   Millennials are Eliminating Corporate Hierarchies and Making Work Fun A former employer did not like that I was friendly with people on all levels, from the woman who cleaned our offices to the secretaries and even top executives. Although it is important to remember your role in a company, being friendly coerces cooperation and teamwork.     Here’s a quick example: My supervisor approved my request to have two computer screens so I can work faster using social media.   She also approved my request to ask that I trade in my outdated Blackberry for a smartphone with better social media capabilities. Once I had both my requests fulfilled, she was shocked that I had better equipment than her. She hadn’t realized that I was friends with the IT department (I even joined a basketball league with one of its team members) and they worked quickly to meet my needs.   Millennials do not care about titles, statuses or salaries.   They just want to get the job done in the most efficient way possible and they want to do so as part of a team. They enjoy the collaborative environment and know that the team is made up of people on all levels. They also want to work for a company that has a great culture because that usually leads to enjoying where you work. If that morning coffee with the cleaning lady makes a valued employee enjoy working for your company, why not make that extra effort?   And when people buy donuts, go out to lunch with staff, pass cards around for birthdays or other celebrations, it’s not goofing off, it’s building a team â€" a team of people who care about where they work and want to see their company succeed. Millennials Understand the Value of Experience Over Education I will never forget when a former boss was looking for an executive assistant and disqualified a bunch of people because she didn’t like their education. She completely ignored the rest of their resume. She hired the person she wanted and that person quit six months later because she got a better job that she felt was more in line with her degree. The hiring process started all over again, which cost the company money, and all because she had pre-conceived notions about people based on their education. I was completely unsure why she had even hired me.   I’m a kid from the Bronx who learned just as much hanging out in Morris Park as I did in the classroom. I grew up broke, working at a Carvel to pay my college education, but when I graduated, I did not have student debt and I’m doing pretty well for myself. I credit my work ethic to my achievements on the basketball court. I would lose to the same person over and over and all it did was make me work that much harder until I was able to beat that person consistently so that there was no doubt who the better player was. I take the same approach at work. I pay attention to the staff member everyone thinks works hardest and then do all I can to hustle harder than them. And, having to overcome more obstacles than those who were considered better educated than myself, I have become well adept at employing outside-the-box thinking to achieve results. I like to hire people who offer the same work ethic. When I was working at my last job and was interviewing candidates for a Deputy Director of Public Affairs, I ignored the robots who checked off all the right buttons during the interview and went with someone who offered compelling, unscripted examples of the work she performed for previous employers. Startups, predominantly made up of millennials, take the same approach. Unlike bigger companies that filter resumes based on education, startups are looking at your results and see more value in what you have achieved than the classes you took.   We are growing in a new world. It’s time to stop fighting the future and accept that millennials are singlehandedly taking the workforce to a new level. You can’t fight change, but you can get left behind in its dust if you don’t embrace it.     Follow me on Twitter. Follow Vault on Twitter and Instagram. Read More:Five Tips for Finding Freelance WorkHow to Effectively Use Social Media To Develop Your BrandThe Real Signs It's Time To Quit Your Job

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Top Should You Put Your Gpa on Your Resume Reviews!

Top Should You Put Your Gpa on Your Resume Reviews! The Argument About Should You Put Your Gpa on Your Resume Really don't rush and leverage all the valuable information you are able to become there. For a first-time job, you truly don't have to go over one page in length. Most often once you complete the job application there is going to be a location for you to list your references. A fast search on the web will display a lot of cover letters for resumes examples. What You Should Do to Find Out About Should You Put Your Gpa on Your Resume Before You're Left Behind To be certain, many tiny employers won't expect to visit a GPA on a resume, but the majority of large companies will. As soon as you've been in the workforce for a couple decades, your work experience gets more important than your GPA. It is very simple for an employer to confirm your GPA by taking a look at your transcript. Job applications consist of many unique facets that matter over a GPA. Here's What I Kn ow About Should You Put Your Gpa on Your Resume For most people, taking the opportunity to provide someone honest appraisal isn't a fun thing to do. You should lead with whatever experience you've got in this circumstance. If you're like me, you will discover whole experience quite enlightening, and in case you have character, you will realize it is possible to never be more indebted to anyone than to the individuals who challenged you to be the fantastic person you're. This sort of experience can complete an otherwise brief resume. A Startling Fact about Should You Put Your Gpa on Your Resume Uncovered It's merely presented to provide you a few examples of a couple very good questions and to receive your juices flowing. In case you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to leave them below. In case the question looks discrete but you just seemingly can't work out the answer, refer back to the passage and search for the answer. A couple of companies in addition to som e tasks might take a baseline minimum. Becoming mindful of what things to place first in your CV could be confusing especially whenever you're using online templates to assist you. Begin with the best resume format as a fantastic foundation. If you're using mobile phone, you might also utilize menu drawer from browser. You often gotten so strong you don't even know it until you're competing in another area. In case the position only calls for five decades of experience, your very first task must be to make sure your resume shows five decades of solid experience. Next, it's also wise to categorize your awards. There isn't anyone set cut-off number. So it is going to be critical that you locate methods to speak to employers in person. In addition, there are many tasks on the industry that are advertised. A strong GPA is normally representative of a particular maturity level and focus that's crucial to being successful in a work scenario. Before you decide on the one to us e, be certain you look in any way of the example options so that you can make certain that the perfect one is decided on with confidence. Industries and organizations seeking majors like accounting will want the GPA as a consequence of exactness needed to aid the firm and to perfect the precise material. According to CareerBuilder, 60% of employers search social networking websites to learn if their applicant is the best one for them. Find out more about the company Do your homework about a company before going to the career fair. Certain businesses and industries seeking majors like accounting will want the GPA higher on account of the exactness necessary to master the content and to help the firm. You are able to also meet employers at in-person events like career fairs, where you are able to learn about open jobs and learn to apply. Unless your uncle works for a specific company, a career fair is just about the very best spot to have face-to-face interaction with an organization employee. It's not unheard of for a business to conduct interviews at a career fair should they spot top talent. When you look thorough lots of college resume examples, it is going to become obvious your achievements in education are a really strong foundation for a hiring decision. You may also opt to practice law with a lousy firm and become beaten by 25-year-old kids when you're a 55-year-old attorney since you never made a decision to jump over the bar when it was held high for you and never took the help of those attempting to help you. Start with telling everyone you are aware that you're searching for work in a specific industry perhaps a buddy of a friend or another cousin works at your fantasy company and can set you in contact with the hiring manager. When it's your very first job, and never very formal, you might want something quite straightforward. Most frequently when you finish the work application there will be somewhere for you. To begin with, you have to locate a job you wish to apply for. Both can cause you to get exceptional but only one can enable you to land work. When you would like to land that ideal job then you ought to have a stellar resume. The Advantages of Should You Put Your Gpa on Your Resume Looking for employment at this time is pretty challenging. By the moment you finish reading, you order know what you have to do to impress! Below are some things to keep in mind while writing this resume section. Writing an awesome resume can be quite challenging.