Monday, December 30, 2019

Youll be hired by a stranger

Youll be hired by a strangerYoull be hired by a strangerWhile youre reviewing the tens of thousands of job openings on Ladders this week, here are three ways you might be sabotaging your own job search.1. Can a stranger read your resume?Print out your resume. Rip off the top third of it. Hand it to somebody you dont know.Without asking you any additional questions, can they read the top third of your resume and determine what you want to do next?For too many professionals like you, the answer is no.When we try to tell readers of our resumes everything about us, we wind up telling them nothing special about us. Too much unfocused information, and you lose their attention.What does the reader of your resume want to know?Does this gal, or guy, want this job that I have open? And have they done it before?Obviously, given that youve spent the time to create a resume and send it to them, they know you want a job. But do you want this particular job?Is it something that youve done before? I f so, did you like it? If so, do you want to do it again?I know it seems obvious to you that you want the type of job that youre looking for.But strangers dont know that. And, chances are, youll be hired by a stranger.So its important that you make it easy for strangers to know what you want.Show them, at the very top of your resume, what job you want, and why youre qualified for it, and why you want to do it again. Youre not going to list every skill and experience you have, but rather youre giving the reader a sense of what you can do.If they cant tell, by reading the top-third of your resume, what you want to do next, then youll never get to the next step.2. Did you talk to a live person today?The internet delivers you news, information, funny cat videos, electronic books, fashionable shopping, and, via Ladders, the latest and greatest job listings at the $100K+ level.So hooray for the internet.But heres the truth - the internet is not going to hire you.No, youll be hired by a l iving, breathing, thinking, smiling person.So the question is did you talk to that person today? Did you try to?Its important, while youre searching, looking and applying to all those great jobs that you find here, that you also realize that you need to make a priority of talking to people.And by that I mean a live menschengerecht voice, in person or on the phone. Email and text and Snapchat dont count.Have you called your old contacts? Returned the call from the company that perhaps youre only mildly interested in? Have you taken a former colleague to lunch? Did you call back the recruiters youve met over the past six months? Drop by a conference?Connecting with people, live, in person or on the phone, is essential to getting hired. Too often, we fool ourselves into believing that self-directed activity is the best way to get hired. Its not. Connecting with others is.If youre more of an introvert, or more comfortable communicating by writing than by speaking, you can mucksmuschenst ill connect with others. Im not going to mislead you and say that its better, but its still sufficient if you write thoughtful, sensible blog posts, comments, emails and contributions on industry-related topics and threads. But its important that youre connecting with others, not just yourself.When it comes to getting hired, you need to ensure that every day is a talk to a person who could potentially hire me day.Because eventually one of them will.3. E-mail addressWhat elektronischer brief address do you use professionally?If youre using AOL, or your local cable provider, you could be inadvertently shooting yourself in the foot.Only 3% of new users at Ladders sign up with AOL email addresses these days. And just 4% use If youre still using AOL or Hotmail to represent yourself professionally, it could be sending a signal that youre uncomfortable with new technology and that you havent prioritized keeping your skills up-to-date.Using your local cable providers default e- mail - whether its,, or - increases the chances of a typo leading to a missed connection. Because people dont pay as much attention to what theyre typing after the sign, using less-familiar domains in your e-mail should be avoided.Just over 55% of new users at TheLadders use Because gmail is well-known for its utility, ease-of-use, and power, using gmail as your address is a smart move that also sends the message that youre up-to-date with the times.Whats before the sign is important too.Common household or joint email strategies such as jimandnancy, smithhousehold, or bluthfamily are not good e-mail addresses to use for your professional life. Professionals are accustomed to writing directly to other professionals. Requesting that they e-mail your spouse kids when contacting you is awkward.The best email address is your first name, followed by a dot, followed by your last name, at gmail.comsheldon.coopergmail.comIf thats t aken, then for the purposes of your job search, add next years number to your addresssheldon.cooper.2018gmail.comYoure probably going to be using this e-mail address into the New Year anyway and starting now makes you seem ahead of the times. And everybody wants to hire somebody from the future, right?So those are the three things you might be doing to manipulierung your own efforts in the job search, Readers. Avoid them and prosper.Im rooting for youP.S. The fourth thing youre doing to sabotage yourself? Seasoned. If youre using the word seasoned to describe yourself dont.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

This is the most painless way to tell employees bad news

This is the most painless way to tell employees schwimmbad nachrichtenThis is the most painless way to tell employees bad newsBeing the bearer of bad news in the office is always an unpleasant task, but there are some methods that are more unpleasant than others. A new survey of preferred methods of giving and getting bad news found that most of us prefer directness and candor over the cushion of small talk when discussing the breakdown of social relationships - like a breakup with your romantic partner or your employer. We just want to know where the fire is so we can get out.In a survey of 145 participants, Brigham Young University linguistics professor Alan Manning and the University of South Alabamas Nicole Amare got participants to rate how they would want to receive different bad news scenarios. The majority of participants valued clarity and directness over being eased into the information.If youre on the giving end, yeah, absolutely, its probably more comfortable psychologic ally to pad it out - which explains why traditional advice is the way it is, Manning said. But this survey is framed in terms of you imagining youre getting bad news and which version you find least objectionable. People on the receiving end would much rather get it this way.The survey showed how we dont want to hear bad news. Heres how to deliver it to your co-workers with grace and compassion for them1) No small talkGood managers who make small talk before delivering bad news are usually considerate, compassionate people who think that talking about an employees family or weekend plans is a polite way to lift an employees spirits before delivering the crushing blow.But the most compassionate move is to be direct about the bad news. Of course, you dont want to just blurt out, Youre fired for all to hear, but the researchers suggested that the buffer can be as small as telling the employee we need to talk. Thats enough to signal the severity of the situation. Once you get the emplo yee in a one-on-one drumherum away from prying eyes, rip the BandAid off quickly and explain why youve called for this meeting.2) No corporate jargonNervous managers often use corporate speak or legalese to hide behind the weight of their actions when saying terrible news, thinking that it will lessen the pain - or, at least, ease their personal pain at having to do this. Im not telling you bad news, the companys jargon is telling you bad news. Its a passive way to distance yourself from a crisis. I once had a manager who announced a series of layoffs at my company as employees being impacted, a euphemism that created confusion and chaos in an already emotional period at work.Deliver the unfortunate news clearly without metaphor, so that employees can process the bad information more quickly instead of wasting time deciphering jargon from meaning.3) Let the recipient of bad news express emotionAcknowledge the emotion in the situation. After bad news like terminations, layoffs, or p ay cuts, grief, shock, and anger are to be expected. Have tissues on hand.Allow employees to vent their frustrations at the news, but dont get into a debate, because the information youre delivering is not a negotiation, its a fact.4) Time it wellOnce you learn of bad news youll need to deliver to an employee, its best to schedule a time as soon as possible with as much discretion as you can. As career coach Hallie Crawford notes about a speedy news delivery, Letting the person know as soon as possible is a way to show that you respect him or her, and again,show your professionalism.Unless the news is very urgent, career experts suggest timing it for end of day when fewer people will be in the office. The overarching goal with any advice on how to give bad news compassionately is to preserve the dignity of the recipient as much as possible. That means no babying them with overly polite small talk. It means treating them as a professional and telling them straight up whats wrong.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Italian Scientists Win Ig Nobel for Random Promotion Theory

Italian Scientists Win Ig Nobel for Random Promotion TheoryItalian Scientists Win Ig Nobel for Random Promotion TheoryLast year Career-Line introduced you to the Peter Principle and the three Italian scientists who bucked the system with their own take on the Peter Principle. University of Catania scientists Andrea Rapisarda, Cesare Garofaloa and Alessandro Pluchinos random promotion theory says that an organization that promotes employees at random, as opposed to by merit is more efficient, as reported by Business Standards Leslie DMonte in Funny Ideas Can Make You Think.The Random Promotion theory was awarded an Ig Nobel, which honors achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think and in the process spur peoples interest in science, medicine, and technology, says Italian news site Life in Italy.Would random promotions at your company make your work harder than you work now, less than you work now, or have no affect on your work habits? Answer in the comments b elow.

Monday, December 16, 2019

16 .NET Interview Questions to Ask

16 .NET Interview Questions to Ask16 .NET Interview Questions to AskYou need to recruit a .NET developer for your IT department - and fast. If youre lucky enough to receive applications for this hard-to-fill position, youll want to go into the interviews ready to make quick decisions. But if you dont have a strong background in this framework, how can you be certain your interview questions will help you identify the best candidate?To help, weve prepared a cheat sheet of 16 essential .NET developer interview questions with background and sample answers, as well as a few other tips to assist in making your search more successful. And when youre ready to make an offer, visit our salary center to learn the average starting pay for a .NET programmer in your area. You dont want to lowball in this competitive hiring market. Now, lets get started. First, a word about behauptung top .NET interview questionsIf youre interviewing a .NET developer, you should be somewhat familiar with programm ing. If youre not, then bring in someone from your team who is. These conversations will get very technical, very quickly.Also, keep in mind the following QAs are intended to serve as a guide, not a bible. As a hiring manager, you may need to tailor these questions for the responsibilities of your specific job opening. You should also allow some leeway on candidates answers to reflect their individual backgrounds and experience with ASP, code and various frameworks.1. What is OOP, and how does it relate to the .NET Framework?OOP stands for object-oriented programming. A good answer to this question would point out that OOP languages such as Visual Basic.NET, C and C++ are the core languages supported by .NET Framework. (There is also support for functional programming in the form of F.)As a technique, OOP allows .NET developers to create classes containing methods, properties, fields, events and other logical modules. It also lets developers create modular programs, which they can a ssemble as applications. OOPs have four basic features encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism and inheritance.2. What is encapsulation?Encapsulation is one of four basic features of OOP and refers to the inclusion within a program object of methods and data needed for the object to function. For .NET interview questions like this, candidates should mention that encapsulation helps keep data from unwanted access through binding code and data in an object, which is the basic, single self-contained unit of a system.Another way of understanding encapsulation is to think of it as hiding the state of an object as private or protected. Under this principle of information hiding, the internal workings of an object are segregated from the rest of the application. This is useful because it makes it less likely that other objects can modify the state or behavior of the object in question.3. Explain the concept of inheritance and how it works in .NET.In general OOP terms, inheritance means th at a class can be based on another class, with the child class taking on the attributes of the parent class. For example, coders can create a class called Vehicle, and then child classes called Truck, Car and Motorcycle - all of which inherit the attributes of Vehicle.To demonstrate their understanding of the interview question and the framework, candidates may bring up how .NET supports single inheritance only, which means that a class can inherit only from one other class. Their answer may also touch on the transitive nature of inheritance - for example, the Ford class inherits from Car, which inherits from Vehicle.4. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?An abstract class is always used as a base class. It provides some abstract/virtual members that the inheriting entities must implement, as well as a partial implementation for a functionality. For extra credit, job candidates might mention that this class can also declare fields. Developers cannot c reate an object from this class.An interface, on the other hand, can declare properties, methods and events only (no access modifiers). The developer must implement all declared members. In short, an interface designates a contract/behavior that implementing classes should have.HIRE A .NET DEVELOPER NOW5. What is the difference between a class and an object, and how do these terms relate to each other?A class is a comprehensive data type that is the primary building block, or template, of OOP. Class defines attributes and methods of objects, and contains an objects behavior and data. An object, however, represents an instance of class. As a basic unit of a system, objects have identity and behavior as well as attributes.Make sure candidates respond to the second part of this .NET interview question, addressing how these terms are related to each other. Answer The relationship is based on the fact that a class defines the states and properties that are common to a range of objects.6. What is a delegate in .NET?A delegate is a type that encapsulates a reference to a method. Delegate objects can then be passed to code which calls the method according to the method signature, meaning the developer doesnt have to know at compile time which method is being invoked. A delegate can contain references to a single method or multiple methods. Delegates are similar to function pointers in C/C++ and have the advantage of being type-safe.7. Explain the difference between a stack and a queue.This .NET interview question tests candidates basic knowledge of collections. Along with stacks and queues in this category are hash tables, bags, dictionaries and lists. A stack keeps track of what is executing and contains stored value types to be accessed and processed as LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), with elements inserted and deleted from the top end.A queue, on the other hand, lists items on a FIFO (First-In, First-Out) fundament in terms of both insertion and deletion, with items ins erted from the rear end and deleted from the front end of the queue.8. What is .NET web service?Web services are reusable components that allow developers to publish an applications function over the internet to make it accessible and directly interactable with other applications and objects online. Web services communicate by using standard web protocols and data formats - including HTTP, XML and SOAP - allowing them to connect across different platforms and programming languages. ASP.NET provides a simple way to develop web services. The .NET Framework provides built-in classes for building and consuming web services.9. When should you use .NET Web Forms over ASP.NET MVC?Traditionally, the .NET Framework has been based on Web Forms. This was essentially an effort to create web services using Microsofts existing Visual Studio Tools without forcing developers to learn new scripting languages. Web Forms still allows developers to create quick and simple applications, and some legac y systems may still run as Web Forms.ASP.NET MVC is increasingly the standard for contemporary developers, however. In a .NET interview, a strong candidate should be able to highlight the advantages of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. MVCs fruchtwein important feature is that it allows applications to be broken down into discrete models, views and controllers, making them much easier to test during development.10. What is JSON data, and what is one way that .NET developers can work with JSON?JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) provides developers with a way to organize and store data so its easy to access and read. JSON is important for developers because it allows them to manipulate JSON feeds from other sites and to load them more quickly and easily than via SML/RSS feeds. Json.NET provides a way for .NET developers to define classes that parse objects and arrays from JSON text. You can also use Json.NET if you need to serialize value types into JSON text. Json .NET runs on .NET2, .NET3 and .NET4.11. Explain the difference between managed and unmanaged code..NET interview questions like this allow candidates to demonstrate their understanding of Common Language Runtime (CLR), a crucial part of the .NET Framework. Code written in C or Visual Basic .NET will, when compiled, run only in the CLR, which provides functionalities such as garbage collection and memory management. The advantage of this is that managed code is platform-independent because it runs in the CLR rather than the operating system of the machine accessing the application.Code written in other languages, such as C or C++, produces unmanaged code, meaning developers cant rely on the CLR to provide this kind of portability. Managed and unmanaged code are interoperable. Examples of unmanaged code used in .NET include COM components, ActiveX interfaces and Win32 API functions.12. Define LINQ.LINQ stands for Language-Integrated Query. This is a Microsoft programming model and met hodology that offers developers a way to manipulate data using a succinct yet expressive syntax. It does so by instilling Microsoft .NET-based programming languages with the ability to make formal queries. It is part of C and can be imported as a library in other languages.13. Read-only variables and constants have many similarities, but what is at least one way that they differ?Here are two possible answers to .NET interview questions of this natureRead-only variables can support reference-type variables. Constants can hold only value-type variables.Developers evaluate read-only variables at the runtime. They evaluate constants at the compile time.14. What do the terms boxing and unboxing mean?This question can reveal how much candidates know about data types and OOP principles. The idea is relatively simple Boxing is a process that converts a value type to an object type - by boxing the variable inside a dedicated object or interface. Unboxing extracts this value and stores it in a value type. Boxing was essential in some old Collection types such as ArrayList, and can still be used for accurate conversion of types - for example, from a double to an int.15. What are three common acronyms used in .NET, and what do they stand for?This one should be easy for .NET developer candidates to answer. The question allows them some flexibility in choosing terms with which they are most familiar. Three frequently used acronyms in .NET are IL, CIL and CLIIL stands for Intermediate Language, which is an object-oriented programming language that is a partially compiled code that .NET developers will then compile to native machine code.CIL stands for Common Intermediate Language, formerly known as Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). This is another programming language that .NET developers use, and it represents the lowest possible level for a language that humans can still read.CLI stands for Common Language Infrastructure. This is a compiled code library that Micros oft developed as an open specification. Developers use CLI for security, versioning and deployment purposes.Other acronyms commonly used in .NET include JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, which uses the target machines CPU architecture to perform a .NET operation OOP (object-oriented programming), defined in Question 1 CLR (Common Language Runtime), defined in Question 11 and LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), defined in Question 12.16. Whats the difference between .NET and Laravel?This is one of the more straightforward .NET interview questions you can ask. Most web developers will at least be familiar with alternative frameworks such as Laravel and should be able to discuss some of the differences between those platforms and .NET. This conversation will allow you to dig down and discover where candidates interests lie and how they view the role of .NET developer. For example, they may focus onLanguages (e.g. C support in .NET versus Laravels support for PHP)SecurityProcessing overheads.N ETs integration with Visual StudioThird-party librariesOpen-source community supportFactors to consider along with .NET developer interview questionsAs well as specific technical questions, there are a few other areas of discussion to cover when evaluating .NET developer job candidates.NET project portfolio - Ask candidates to show you examples of their past work, whether thats a dynamic web page or some other kind of web application. If they dont have any examples of professional work, take a look at some personal projects theyve tackled.Software development methodologies - Its useful to know how candidates have interacted with team members on other projects. Most professional developers will have extensive experience with Agile environments, so you can talk about whether they find this approach supportive or if they find Scrums distracting. Some developers may have experience of newer working methodologies such as DevOps.Soft skills - Technical abilities arent the only feature of an outstanding employee, so dont forget to explore candidates soft skills and initiative. Communication and collaboration are essential for developers who are required to work with people in non-technical departments, while organization and time management are important for those who operate alone. Additionally, if developers will have access to sensitive data, make sure to assess them for ethics and trustworthiness. Tags

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Straight Talk About the Job Palm Restaurant

Straight Talk About the Job Palm RestaurantStraight Talk About the Job Palm RestaurantPalm Restaurant If theyd Asked Amanda about The Job, heres what Id sayCBS aired its pilot episode of a new reality-competition show called The Job . Hosted by Lisa Ling, the TV series featured candidates who compete in a variety of challenges for a mglichkeit to win a dream job at their dream company.A reality show about the interview process? Sign me up The career coach in me had to watch this The first episode featured five candidates Anthony, Maggie, Ryan, Jann and Alex vying for an assistant manager role at the legendary steakhouse, Palm Restaurant.While I dont think the show gives viewers a very accurate portrayal of the recruiting process seriously, how many job interviews involved you working at their office for a day to test your skills? I still think theres a lot you can learn. In this first episode, the theme that stuck out to me was cultural fit.Ive said it once and Ill say it again you can have all the skills in the world but if you dont fit in with the company, you wont land the job. This was well illustrated in belastung weeks episode.The Palm is known as a leader in fine dining and a longstanding family owned business that considers its employees part of the family. A quick look at their website allows diners to get a sense of what they should expect when they visit the Palm a topnotch formal dining experience.Spoiler alert Two of the five candidates Alex and Anthony were misfits right from the start. Alex had little to no formal dining experience and worked at a vegan restaurant. Its not surprising that this vegan didnt fare well while interviewing for a position at a steakhouse.And, although Anthony was a competent candidate, he was chastised when he showed up underdressed for the on-the-job portion of the interview. I also cant imagine owner Wally Ganzi approving of Anthonys facial hair. While Anthony was not offered the job with Palm Restaurant, he d id receive an offer from a restaurant with a laid-back atmosphere a much better cultural fitThe stimmungslage of the story? Seek opportunities where theres a cultural fit. If you make it to an interview and you know you lack a certain knowledgebase thats important for the job, do your homework.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Mystery of D&D Resume Nobody Is Talking About

The Mystery of D&D Resume Nobody Is Talking About The very first step in making a great resume is through writing an interesting and efficient cover letter. Youve only seconds to spell out the Earth, the story, and what makes it all so incredible. If youve got many pages of content, be certain to include a table of content, in addition to an executive summary. In the long andrang, its your choice to make a decision as to what type of format and look to use. Keep your focus on what you may offer to the present role that youre seeking. The recruiter may seek the services of a native speaker to rate your proficiency level as it corresponds with the requirements of the organization. Hard skills have a tendency to be more technical, and each geschftliches miteinander or kind of job will often have its personal essential tischset. In addition, it should bring out your understanding of that specific job. D & D Resume Ideas Other folks involve significant financial risk an d ought to be utilized with caution. Organizations sometimes shy away from being very definitive about the kind of person they want, commonly since they dont wish to be viewed as being biased somehow. Folks have a tendency to equate an overall discharge with an honorable one. Businesses are exploring opportunities in different regions as a way to capitalize on comparative cost benefits and economies of scale. If it isnt feasible to recast the sentence, then the hundertprozentig ought to be capitalized. Also, make certain to keep the language clear and easy. The very first word in a sentence needs to be capitalized. A word or phrase thats used with or rather than an individuals name is capitalized. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About D & D Resume Start-up funding is just one of the biggest challenges a new business should deal with. After the hiring manager says, I would like a human factors engineer. You are going to need a business program and be in a position to s how that youve got the experience to run the company and the company will make enough money to create the investors a great profit on their investment. Before putting your company funds to work on anything, you ought to make yourself an expert. The Hidden Secret of D & D Resume As an example, suppose youre a web hosting company and youve got an opt-in mailing list of internet developers. Template designs are for private use only and might not be resold or redistributed under any conditions. You will get a PDF instruction file with links to where you may download the them. In case youre wondering, the saved playlist file with the saved Bookmark is quite small in dimension. Be certain to highlight the skills youve learned in school. Always finish your Career Objective by stating ways to assist the clinic achieve its objectives. Talk directly about your volunteer experience as though it was a former job. The program also needs to be designed to improve their abilities. There are other methods to begin your resume, based on your degree of experience youll be able to take a look at our flow chart here. Simply altering the business or sub-industry selection will create a new set of results. Your cover letter needs to be perfect and it should highlight all of your potential and working experience associated with the job which you are applying for. As a consequence, you might see that youll be saving yourself a good deal of time by positioning your resume in cyberspace. In the event the total appearance of your resume doesnt immediately obtain the respect of the reader, youre in trouble. The basis of your company is your people. Bear in mind which youre attempting to sell yourself to them. You feel trapped in your mind. Thus, the probability of selecting the incorrect person escalate. Every employee in a little business has a huge effect on performance, company culture and the main point. Among the biggest things that frustrates hiring manag ers is that recruiters take too much time to find the talent the business requirements. Show your prospective employer why youre able to conduct the job better than others no matter how much experience youve got. Lies Youve Been Told About D & D Resume Therefore, if you would like the job, you will need to get a meticulously crafted and rehearsed routine just enjoy a comedian does. A professor gives you good grades when you know XYZ, but they wont raise your grade for being in a position to manage a tricky situation, showing compassion, or solving an unexpected issue. If youve downloaded some samples, make certain to customize them to the positions that youre applying for. An AACOMAS application wont be required. There is an abundance of resume samples readily available online. Research online and be sure information online matches the info on the individuals resume.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Find (or be!) the mentor of your dreams. Connect with women today via PowerToFly Networks.

Find (or be) the mentor of your dreams. Connect with women today via PowerToFly Networks. We need gender neutral dress codes in the workplace. If you dont yet agree with that statement, look no farther than a 55-page presentation given to women executives at Ernst Young in a June 2018 training. pThe presentation, which made headlines last month when an offended participant from Forbes/a Employees should dress in business casual attire, which could include casual slacks and skirts, collared shirts, blouses, or sweaters. Inappropriate attire includes sportswear, jeans, and unkempt clothing, among other options. Please exercise good judgment.pFor business formal workplaces, you could use the following Traditional business attire, including dresses, suits, and pantsuits, is required for external meetings with clients or prospects. Employees should use discretion on other occasions and are expected to demonstrate good judgment. pAnd for casual workplaces, whi ch are on the rise from The Balance/a Dress comfortably for work, but please do not wear anything that could offend your coworkers or make them feel uncomfortable. That includes clothing with profanity, hate speech, or exclusionary language. Your clothing, while casual, should show common sense and professionalism.pNo matter the level of formality your dress code needs to define, make sure youre thinking from the perspective of all employeescurrent as well as futureand creating an environment where they can thrive.p----pstrongWant to share ansicht tips with your company? /strongShow them this handy one-page guide on creating a gender neutral dress code p class=shortcode-media shortcode-media-rebelmouse-image img alt=Gender Neutral Dress Code Guide class=rm-shortcode data-rm-shortcode-id=UGVL4K1574631551 data-rm-shortcode-name=rebelmouse-image data-runner-src=https// wMDE3Ni9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTU3NDc2NjEyMX0.5akget5uOA_9aHMcPUxY1YM_Zn2w2Yhcj7m_HSCqg7I/img.jpg?width=980 id=a14b6 type=lazy-image/ pbr/